Hello Bob,
Hope that you have had a productive and successful 2023 proxy season. I am proud to be your firm's Broadridge contact for disclosure and capital markets, as well as SEC filings and any other Broadridge-related questions (transfer agent, record date, NOBO, etc.) that you and your colleagues may have.
I’ve linked below to the 2023 version of our “Proxy Proposal Analyzer", an upgrade over our previous shareholder proposal tracker. A downloadable Excel document, it now reflects the vast majority of 2023 meetings. This report includes:
· 2023 14a-8 shareholder proposals on annual meeting ballots and final voting results for those proposals through 6/26/23
· Ability to sort/filter on proposal categories and see the related companies with the same proposals
· Additional proposals data from 2021 and 2022
· Rolled up proposal voting results at each category level to better understand larger voting trends across all issuers
We will continue updating the report as meetings complete, and will also share proxy- and governance-related material occasionally. Please let me know if you have colleagues or firm clients who would benefit from this material, and please reach out to me with any questions, suggestions, or any urgent SEC filings - our Edgar team is very quick and accurate. The number below works for both talk and text.
Take care,