I hope you are doing well. Wanted to share a few items with you:
A link to sign up for our upcoming November 7 webinar, discussing Pay vs Performance and iXBRL for the proxy, a look back at 2023 and ahead to 2024, including anticipated new disclosure: Event Lobby (EVENT: 4366756) (
Two attachments, both available at the link below:
1. Our Proxy Headstart overview. Proxy Headstart is conceived as a way to begin the transition from a traditionally formatted proxy (10/12 Times Roman, mostly text) into a governance roadmap addressing director qualifications as well as compensation and ESG disclosure, without the time and cost requirements involved in a full design project. We also offer full consulting, design and content advisory services. Please reach out, I’m glad to set up a no-obligation discovery call with our experts for you and your clients, or just answer questions about what we're seeing.
2. Our Proxy Pulse for 2023. This edition of ProxyPulse provides data and insights on corporate governance developments as well as trends in proxy voting over the past five years. Comparative information covers annual meetings between January 1 and June 30 in each of the past five years.
If you have had this forwarded to you, please let me know and I can add you for future updates. They're not on a regular schedule, but I try to share relevant information on a timely basis.
Take care,